Each year we form a Committee at our Annual General Meeting to actively manage the club, its facilities plus sailing and social events. Any LYC member can be elected onto the committee at the AGM.
If you can spare some time to support the group with new ideas and ways of working you can help us improve and evolve the club. Contact a committee member or email secretary@lochaber-yacht-club.co.uk for more information
The committee meet on the first Tuesday of each month and minutes can be found in the members’ area of the website.
- Commodore: Robert Skinner – 07748 230480 – commodore@lochaber-yacht-club.co.uk
- Vice Commodore: Sue Cran-Crombie – 07766656165 – vicecommodore@lochaber-yacht-club.co.uk
- Hon. Secretary: Mike Hepburn-Scott – 07970 673106- secretary@lochaber-yacht-club.co.uk
- Hon. Treasurer: Keiron Shatwell – 07909 953956 – treasurer@lochaber-yacht-club.co.uk
- Membership Secretary: Victoria Kimber – 07776 414491 – membership@lochaber-yacht-club.co.uk
- Junior Rep: Hannah Kyle
- Sea Cadet Rep: Martin Hall
- Committee Members: Karen Dean, Isla Day, Ian Fife, Zeemon Erhardt, Lucy Hann, Keith McKerral.
Committee sub-groups
Group 1: Clubhouse, Dinghy Parks and Property
- Mike, Kenny, Ian, Keiron
Group 2: Sailing and Water Based Programme
- Vince, Victoria, Hamish, Lucy, Chris (for handbook)
Group 3: Social Activities
- Karen, Isla, Sue, Hannah
Group 4: Safety and Training
- Stephen, Mike, John, Lucy, Viola, Martin (Sea Cadets)
Group 5: Strategy and Club Development
- Keiron, Sue, Keith, Zeemon
RYA Principal Officer: Jon Gay
RYA Chief Sailing Instructor: Lucy Hann
RYA Senior Powerboat Instructor: Stephen Marshall
Safeguarding Officer: Cherryl Allan
Committee roles and responsibilities
- Dinghy sailing convenor: Viola Hepburn-Scott
- Keelboat sailing convenor: Mike Hepburn-Scott
- Training co-ordinator: Lucy Hann
- Senior Sailing Instructor: Lucy Hann
- Senior Powerboat Instructor: Stephen Marshall
- Safety boat maintenance: Chris Strong, Vince Dean
- VHF radios: Stephen Marshall
- Tide Tables: Hamish Loudon
- Publicity and Social Media: Karen Dean, Hannah Kyle
- Trophy Convenor: Karen Dean
Achintore Mooring Owners Association contacts:
- Marian Austin – 07769 877750
- Hamish Loudon – 01397 702370 or 07879 651851